Well, Yes. I really am sick.
And I have got loads and loads of whining and complaining to do!
Ever since I have fell sick yesterday, with a sudden increase in my temperature of 38.9 degrees.
Mom had became an instant big bad meanie :(
I wasn't allowed to take any rice, meat, noodles, in fact anything inside the fridge except bread, butter and water.
It was until I went to the doctor's, got my medicine that mom bought me one freak tiny sugar butter roll so that I can at least take my "after food" medicine.
( ´ ▽ ` )ノ SUGAR ROLL FTW!
Doctor said it's looks like I have gotten another virus infection. Might have been due to the Kbox outing, got too happy over able to sing, forgotten to get the mic condom from the staff.
But don't worry people, my fever had now subsided.
Though I am still popping in large amounts of medicine and sleeping like some pigs <(^(00)^)>
*Panadols really are some kind of 仙丹for treating fever*
But that's alright, as long I get well in two days time, and have a healthy me when I fly to Bangkok. Pray for me aye!
PS: If Auntie Apple Head Lychee is reading this.
PS: I really got to go, feeling a little dizzy now. Going back to bed and for another round of sleep.
Don't miss me alright! :DDDDDDD
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