Friday, November 8, 2013


As much as I hate to say, I finished my first ever module in uni. 

No longer a freshmen I guess. (I wasn't supposed to be one anyway.) 

Ups and downs, highs and lows. 
What's upon me now are the stress from the upcoming papers and the weighage those papers are carrying. Hell, they are heavy. 

I really hope I ace them. Like really. The McQ's disappointing enough. I don't need another downfall. 

Anyways, although I should say the path of this module isn't really smooth, loads of bumpy roads I should say too; people ignoring me, having to solo most of my lab sessions. It's crazy especially for the fact that I am pretty weak when it comes to lab. I would never think about solo-ing if I was in poly. Most probably fail and be dragged out. (−_−;)Just saying.

But I have come far I guessed. I'm glad I end up staying with the small group even though it's a tougher route. I really learnt much much more. 

Thank god for sending "贵人" all around me to help me adapt. 

Having to thank and be grateful. The only thing I wish now is... Do well, Shermaine. Do so fucking well. ( ̄Д ̄)ノ

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