Monday, June 4, 2012

Seriously, I really hate proteins.

At 4.43 a.m, looking at this picture, I seriously ask myself.

Like seriously, it just looks like a ball of tangled,jumbled up colourful strings that no one gives a shit. But I guess, somehow, many people actually gives a shit. Since I am having an exam about it through out the month just shows how important is it. 

Without it, we will have no hormones, no blood cells, no muscles, no meat. 

I actually don't hate it that much, but after facing it for more than 3 hours, reading on it's different levels of folding structures and the stupid bonds, bonds and more bonds. I have had it, and I am here to do a mindless rant, because I don't even know what I am typing anymore. WOW. 

:P Well. 

At the very least, I feel accomplished today for finishing 2 problems, 3 more to go and I am done for ONLY Structural Biology. KILL ME. SERIOUSLY. WHY. LIFE. IS. LIKE. THAT. SERIOUSLY.

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