Thursday, November 11, 2010

Epic day of sugar rush! :D

*Shermaine's into this kinda EPIC gif recently, so bear with me :)*

So life has been alright, but tiring, maybe for now.
As the title suggest, the tiredness probably contributed from the mad sugar rush
*(Red bull, iced chocolate, barley) had today due to insufficient sleep from revision of yesterday.

Yes, I revised and hopefully it don't disappoint me.

I'm supposed to study again now for math, but I am tired. OMG.
Shermaine, 加油!Study your maths, okay?
If not later Manik zapp you with his eyes to outer space! *opps*

I need to study, I want to go AFA :(
*Can't nobody, can't nobody hold us down~ :)*

Okay, I am going nuts due to deprivation of sleep. *wash face*

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