Friday, February 11, 2011

Finding my peace.

Hello, with a big sunshine smile from a carefree dog.

Wells, UT2 grades are demoralising and I am not very happy recently.
Mood have been up and down, didn't really felt peaceful ever since I came back.

Facebook, tumblr and twitter seemed to be all boring for me recently.
There is like nothing to do, yet I am also in no mood to study.

Sleeping was ALL I really did. Wasting my time.

Seemed like I have lost everything I loved at one go.
Movies, reading, editing. Everything.

But luckily I am able to get some back yesterday midnight, at today's chemistry class and of course, at this moment.

Sometimes, I think it is just so crucial to not give up things that you love, even though the whole world is against it. You might be surprise how much joy and relief it would bring. It has been long ever since I have read for leisure and I really did enjoyed myself in that one hour that I have done so.

Even though it wasn't a book, just some articles from the internet. Some random facts.
Some of which are just so unbelievable. Creeps me out.

Like this one.

Well, just sharing :P Shocked me too when I read it.
(Don't you just love the tagline? :x)

PS: Gonna thanks the lady in the bus reading in front of me, if not, I don't know what would I become now. Maybe still feeling rotten about life? Okay, gonna rest and full charge for physics revision tomorrow.

PS/S: Gonna read a book when UT's done!

Gonna sleep now, study tomorrow :D Wish me luck.
I better be, since I have gave many things up in return to prepare for this UT. LOL.

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