Sunday, February 27, 2011


*Pikachu can be so annoying at times, just kidding :P*

Seriously, life can't get anymore better than this.

Mom is sick, and all plans to go out have to be put on pause, or rather, happen without the presence of me. Because, it would become of my responsibility as a young adult to go help lighten the load of my mom since I am now freaking free.

*But luckily I have awesome friends that understand. Thankfully.*

Mentally drained off now, I just had a lot in my mind, now it's all gone. I don't know what's happened to my mine. But, I guess it's telling me to go to bed already. Since I have to help out again tmrw since Mom isn't getting any better.

Seeing Mom shivering like that just now, I just can't just act like some spoilt brat and stay at home and enjoy life while she suffers right?


Gosh. So much for growing up.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

There are many things I feel like blogging about,

Friends, Kbox Xperiences, Dreams, Reality.

But whenever my hands land on the keyboard.
Ideas just start to run away like some criminal on the run.

Hope they come back in a while's time while I continue to watch K-on! :D

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Super random post.

Hello there! *pokes the glass of your computer*

I am seriously in a halo holiday mood already, although I like have UTs like for the rest of the week. Gosh. Rather than blogging, slacking or singing -.-

I should really go and study already.
*Lalalalalalalalalalalalalaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh~ LOL.*

Screw my mind. F.U.C.K.
I have no sense of urgency in me ):

Friday, February 11, 2011

Finding my peace.

Hello, with a big sunshine smile from a carefree dog.

Wells, UT2 grades are demoralising and I am not very happy recently.
Mood have been up and down, didn't really felt peaceful ever since I came back.

Facebook, tumblr and twitter seemed to be all boring for me recently.
There is like nothing to do, yet I am also in no mood to study.

Sleeping was ALL I really did. Wasting my time.

Seemed like I have lost everything I loved at one go.
Movies, reading, editing. Everything.

But luckily I am able to get some back yesterday midnight, at today's chemistry class and of course, at this moment.

Sometimes, I think it is just so crucial to not give up things that you love, even though the whole world is against it. You might be surprise how much joy and relief it would bring. It has been long ever since I have read for leisure and I really did enjoyed myself in that one hour that I have done so.

Even though it wasn't a book, just some articles from the internet. Some random facts.
Some of which are just so unbelievable. Creeps me out.

Like this one.

Well, just sharing :P Shocked me too when I read it.
(Don't you just love the tagline? :x)

PS: Gonna thanks the lady in the bus reading in front of me, if not, I don't know what would I become now. Maybe still feeling rotten about life? Okay, gonna rest and full charge for physics revision tomorrow.

PS/S: Gonna read a book when UT's done!

Gonna sleep now, study tomorrow :D Wish me luck.
I better be, since I have gave many things up in return to prepare for this UT. LOL.

Monday, February 7, 2011


Yeps. I am back from that dopeshit holiday that I had yearned for months back.
Time sure fly pass fast when you are having fun.

*Miss just lying there nothing to do, listening to some music and just spend my afternoon watching the repeats on animax. (Y) to the max.

Having this super lagging hangover now.
Busy streets, roadside shopping, people speaking thai, foreign words.

I swear now everything in Singapore looks super weird to me.
From the squeaky clean roads with no roadside stores and loosed crowds to me having to understand everything that is around me.
Sucks to the max.

I just wish to go back to when it all started.
To the first day, and just enjoy everything over again.

350+++ more days. I will work hard towards it.
It's just so funny that there are things we look forward to so much and wish it comes like immediately.
But there are somethings that we just wished slowed down, or better, don't even come.

Humans are paradoxes. I am a paradox.