Sunday, November 25, 2012

Jailbreak or no jailbreak?

Right. So ever since I have been exposed to jailbreak. Learnt a bit here and there, I can proudly say, hey, I kinda like what I see after I jailbreak.

Free games, nice useful tweaks to make the iPod a better and more useful device. But hey. After having my iPhone 5 with me running so fast and everything just highlights even more and making me notice that; is my jailbreak making my iPod going slower?

Well, I don't know. Ever since I jailbroke, that's pretty much what I have experienced. Sadly, lagging and crashing becomes even more prominent especially with my iPhone 5 running as quickly as butter.

It is really tempting me to unjailbreak and move to the all new improved iOS 6. Since it is looking very cool on my iPhone. Looking all simple and nice, I just can't stand those notifications for me to update. Those stupid red numbers, increasing daily. All updating very much for the new iOS 6 which isn't much of a help to me since I'm still on iOS 5.1.1.

Jailbreaking is seriously a double headed dagger. I am still very much staying on it just because of the fact that I'm credit card-less, and that it is through jailbreak that I can get apps I want myself. Call me cheap stake if you want, but that's the only reason I can think of for me to stay on this very jailbreak.

Hence my move to clear almost everything else I don't need such as the other games, tweaks and such. All I can say is it's pathetic. But then again. I don't really care as long I get to play those I really like.

Jailbreak or not. I choose to stay to it now and hopefully a stable jailbreak for iOs 6 gonna come really soon and not choose to piss me off.

If the day comes where I should decide to give up my jailbreak. That would be the day where I would upgrade my iPod touch to the latest generation.

Trust me on this. The lack of jailbreak is the only reason I feel that now's not the time to buy anything from apple now other than the iPhone since that is the one and only device I will never jailbreak.

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